Friday, 19 May 2017

Test Execution Report implementation Using JUnit Listeners

      We all know that JUnit doesn't provide any execution report apart from what we get in the editor. Many of us even doesn't know that JUnit has listeners. I have attempted to implement a light weight reporting using HTML. Below is the repo link.

This implementation not only tells you about how to implement reporting, but also tells you JUnit listener implementation, how to attach the listener to the test classes, how to group the test cases to run together etc.

After importing the repo, read the README, which has more information about it's implementation. 

Thursday, 18 May 2017

New Automation Test Execution Report for your usage

This post is only to let you all know that I have started my own Git repo. Today I am going to introduce all to the new Automation Test Execution Report. 

Below is the repo link:

If you are wondering, how this report is different from TestNG or any other report, below are the differences.

  • Comprehensive and eye catching UI with logo and team names etc,
  • Time duration has been specified at each test level and overall execution level,
  • We can archive the reports unlike TestNG. This can be easily configured with a flag.
  • Report has a header with more details like env, date, user etc.
  • The report can be opened automatically in the browser after the execution gets completed. We can configure that too with a flag.
  • Report also has an animated pie chart which gives the overall summary of the execution.
If you are planning to use this report as part of your automation, All you need to do is clone the project and follow README.