Monday, 2 December 2019

Features of Selenium 4: Chromium DevTools

    Selenium 4 alpha versions came up with much awaited native support for Chrome Dev Protocol through “DevTools” interface. This helps us getting Chrome Development properties such as Application Cache, Fetch, Network, Performance, Profiler, Resource Timing, Security and Target CDP domains etc.

    Chrome DevTools is a set of web developer tools built directly into the Google Chrome browser. DevTools can help you edit pages on-the-fly and diagnose problems quickly, which ultimately helps you build better websites, faster.

Initializing Devtools session:
You can get this devtools object from driver object. Once you receive the object, we must create a session.

public void before(){        System.setProperty("","pathoftheexefile");
    WebDriver driver=new ChromeDriver();
    driver = new ChromeDriver();
    devtools = driver.getDevTools();

Verifying the performance metrics of a page:
Most modern browsers have excellent tools that help measure the runtime performance of websites. Metrics like frame rates, paint and layout times present an aggregated state of the website’s runtime performance from these logs. Automating this process can also help us integrate these metrics into the dashboards that we use to monitor the general health of our web properties. Below code shows, how we can use devtools to get the metrics through automation.

public void getPerfMetrics(){         devTools.send(Performance.setTimeDomain(TimeDomain.ThreadTicks));
    driver.get("<Ur browser url>");
    List<Metric> metrics = devTools.send(getMetrics());   

Emulate Geo Location:
Certain applications have different features and functionalities across different locations. Automating such application is difficult using Selenium as we cannot emulate the geo location in the browser. But with the help of Devtools, we can emulate it. Below code snippet demonstrates that.

public void setGeoLocationTest(){
   driver.get("<your site url>");
   Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
   params.put("latitude", 50.2334);
   params.put("longitude", 0.2334);
   params.put("accuracy", 1);
   driver.executeCdpCommand("Emulation.setGeolocationOverride", params);

First, you need to find the latitude and longitude of your location. Then using executeCdpCommand, we can override the geo location.

Testing network throttling Conditions:
Testing the application in different network conditions(i.e 2G, 3G, 4G etc) is always challenging. But we can easily do it using devtools as part of our automation itself.

private static void enableNetworkOffline() {
  devTools.send(Network.enable(of(100000000), empty(), empty()));
  devTools.send(emulateNetworkConditions(true, 100, 1000, 2000,
  driver.get(“<your browser>”);

The above example is to emulate 3G speed in your browser. You can also add 2G, 4G etc in the same way. We can also emulate ‘offline’ condition by just sending ‘false’ as the first parameter in emulateNetworkConditions().

Loading Insecure websites:
When you have a website which has SSL certificates, it is difficult to load and proceed further in the automation. We can use this dev tools to ignore that SSL certificate errors and load the website. Code snippet is as below.

public void loadInsecureWebsite() {

Verifying Console messages:
We can also verify the console logs using devtools. The below snippet verifies the given message from the console logs.

private static void consoleLogs(String message) {
   //add listener to verify the console message
   devTools.addListener(Console.messageAdded(),    consoleMessageFromDevTools -> assertEquals(true, consoleMessageFromDevTools.getText().equals(message)));

Saturday, 13 July 2019

Automating email validations through Selenium and disposable email service

There are some aplications which sends Welcome emails/User registration emails to activate accounts etc. Also there are some systems which sends marketing emails. For testing them, manually verifying these emails is always tedious and time consuming. What if we have a way to automate them just through Selenium. Sounds Interesting? Lets see how it works.

We all know that Selenium can only interact with HTML elements. So, to verify the mails, we need to open our email in browser. Luckily we have a free disposable email service which opens up our mail in a browser called Endtest Mailbox. All we need to do is, use any mailid with the extension ''.

The username can be anything you choose.
For instance, you can choose something like

You can access the Inbox for that email address in browser just by adding the email parameter in the URL, like this:

Please note that these emails will be deleted after 2 hours.

To demonstarte this I am using thissite . When you enter an email id and click on check, a test email is sent to the given email id immediately. Lets consider this as our application and we need to verify if it sends an email correctly to the given email address!


The above code will send a test mail to your inbox. Now we can open the inbox in browser through selenium with the link


After this, we can add all the assertions such as Subject,  email body etc.

There are also few alternatives for Endtest mailbox such as mailnatorguerrillamailNada

If your emails are confidential, this solution is not appropriate. Because these free mailboxes are public and can be accessed by anybody.

In our next post, we will discuss about 'how we to verify the mails received in your Gmail Account or outlook'. 

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Fake it until you make it - Stubby4j

While I was searching for a Contract Testing tool, I came across this interesting Stubby4j. Stubby4j is highly flexible and configurable tool for service virtualization or mock API server. It is actually a HTTP server that uses embedded Jetty which allows stubbing of external systems with ease for integration, contract & behavior testing.

In today's microservices era, it is very common that an API you depend on doesn't exist or isn't complete.  To stay productive in those situations, we can use these mock API servers which constantly produces the desired response. We can also use them while testing edge cases as the real APIs don't reliably produce these scenarios.

Key Features of Stubby4j:

  • Emulate external webservice in a SANDBOX for your application to consume over HTTP(S)
  • HTTP request verification and HTTP response stubbing
  • Regex support for dynamic matching on URI, query params, headers, POST payload (ie:. mod_rewrite in Apache)
  • Dynamic token replacement in stubbed response, by leveraging regex capturing groups as token values during HTTP request verification
  • Record & Replay. The HTTP response is recorded on the first call, having the subsequent calls play back the recorded HTTP response, without actually connecting to the external server
  • Dynamic flows. Multiple stubbed responses on the same stubbed URI to test multiple application flows
  • Fault injection, where after X good responses on the same URI you get a bad one
  • Serve binary files as stubbed response content (images, PDFs. etc.)
  • Embed stubby4j to create a web service SANDBOX for your integration test suite

Quick Start:

1. Download the latest stubby4j version (the JAR archive).

2. Create the following local YAML file:
 -  request:
      method: GET
      url: /hello-world
      status: 200
         content-type: application/json
      body: Hello World!
3. Execute the downloaded stubby JAR using command
java -jar stubby4j-x.x.xx.jar -d <PATH_TO_YOUR_CREATED_LOCAL_YAML_FILE>
4. Navigate to http://localhost:8882/hello-world to get the stubbed response “Hello World!”

5. Navigate to stubby4j admin portal at http://localhost:8889/status to see what has been stubbed & other useful data

Apart from using it is as a jar file, we can also use Stubby4j as a docker container.

Running Stubby4j as Docker Container:

Dockerfile example:
FROM <any-image-that-includes-java>
RUN wget -O /usr/local/stubby4j.jar
EXPOSE 8889 8882
CMD java -jar /usr/local/stubby4j.jar -d no.yaml --location "" --watch 
By default http://localhost:8882 is the stubs portal, http://localhost:8889 is the admin portal. They should be exposed externally.

The command for running a docker image
docker run -p <your-image>

How QE can use Stubby4j:

  • Specifiable mock responses to simulate page conditions without real data.
  • Ability to test polling mechanisms by stubbing a sequence of responses for the same URI
  • Easily swappable data config files to run different data sets and responses.
  • All-in-one stub server to handle mock data with less need to upkeep code for test generation

There are several tools available for Service Virtualization or mock API server. But Stubby4j has the following advantages over other tools.
  1. You can simulate responses from real servers
  2. Simulates support for different types of HTTP authentication.
  3. Enables delayed responses for performance and stability testing
  4. Allows invocation of service call for services which are not ready yet or in-accessible due to various reasons.
Apart from it's advantages, stubby4j also has below limitations.
  1. You can neither change the name of the mapping file nor break it in multiple files.
  2. Data that you capture from request using regular expression can be used either in response mapping or response body (if response body is specified in separate file)
  3. There is no way to generate dynamic dates, random numbers etc. The data which is captured from the request can only be used in response.
  4. If your simulator application grows, .yaml is not maintainable
There is a tool called Stubmatic which adresses many of these limitations. 

For more information on stubby4j, please visit

You can also look at below alternatives for Stubby4j:

Monday, 4 February 2019

Zalenium – A Dockerized Selenium Grid

Over the years Selenium users have used Selenium Grid extensively to reduce the execution time, to perform cross browser testing, to perform multiple OS testing. Although grid provides us all these benefits, they come with their own cost. If you look at the issues that we are facing now with grid are:

  • Have a stable grid to run UI tests with Selenium
  • Maintain it over time (keep up with new browser, Selenium and drivers versions)
  • For longer executions Java process will run out of memory.
  • Restarting the nodes in case of issues
  • Scaling up for more tests is tedious.

Zalenium provides the solution for above problems. It is a docker-selenium based solution which can start a Selenium Grid in seconds, a grid that scales up and down dynamically to run your tests in Firefox and Chrome. It works out of the box in docker and Kubernetes. Zalenium also provides the video recordings of your tests and live preview of your test execution.

Zalenium Setup:

1. Make sure that the latest Docker is up and running. (check here for instructions to install  and run)

2. Open command prompt/ terminal and run the below commands to pull the Docker images from Docker hub.
  • docker pull elgalu/selenium
  • docker pull dosel/zalenium

3. start the Zalenium-selenium-grid by executing the below command
  •     Mac:
 docker run --rm -ti --name zalenium -p 4444:4444 -p 5555:5555 \  
 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \  
 -v /tmp/videos:/home/seluser/videos \  
 dosel/zalenium start  
  •      Windows:
 docker run --rm -ti --name zalenium -p 4444:4444 -p 5555:5555 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /tmp/videos:/home/seluser/videos --privileged dosel/zalenium start  

4. Zalenium grid is ready now for the execution. Initially zalenium creates one chrome and one firefox container. If you need more containers, we have to specify them as parameters like below while launching our grid.

 docker run --rm -ti --name zalenium -p 4444:4444 -p 5555:5555 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /tmp/videos:/home/seluser/videos --privileged dosel/zalenium start --desiredContainers 4  

5. Now write a selenium test using remote webdriver. Look at the below script for reference.

 public void zaleniumDemoTest()  
 DesiredCapabilities capability =;  
 WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL("http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"), capability);  

In above script, we need to specify the IP and port address of the machine where Zalenium is running as URL.

6. If you run the test now, it will execute in zalenium-grid.

Live Preview:

As discussed above, Zalenium provides live preview of your execution.  You can watch your test execution live once your tests are triggered. You can access the live preview from the below link:

To Auto-refresh, add ?refresh=numberOfSeconds to refresh the view automatically.

E.g. http://localhost:4444/grid/admin/live?refresh=20 will refresh the page every 20 seconds.


  • Zalenium also provides very useful dashboard for monitoring the test results. From this dashboard you can replay those recorded videos. Below is the link for the dashboard.



  • You can replace localhost for the IP/machine name where Zalenium is running
  • Click on Cleanup to remove all videos and logs from the local drive and the dashboard.Also reset the dashboard via http://localhost:4444/dashboard/cleanup?action=doReset or cleanup via http://localhost:4444/dashboard/cleanup?action=doCleanup

To stop the docker containers spun through Zalenium, simply exit Zalenium grid using the below command

 docker stop zalenium.  

Integrating with Cloud Solutions:

Zalenium usually creates containers only with Chrome and firefox. If you want to execute your tests in any other browser or any other platform, you can still use other cloud based platforms such as Saucelabs, Browser stack. Zalenium enables you to integrate these platforms with the existing zalenium-grid.

Below command helps to integrate with Saucelabs:
 export SAUCE_USERNAME=[your Sauce Labs username]  
 export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=[your Sauce Labs access key]  
 docker run --rm -ti --name zalenium -p 4444:4444 -p 5555:5555 \  
     -v /tmp/videos:/home/seluser/videos \  
     -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \  
     dosel/zalenium start --sauceLabsEnabled true  

You can visit Zalenium Site for more details.